

  1. Though the game is able to run, the weird delay in unity remains unsolved.
  2. Didn’t have enough time to try more sensors as we originally planned.  
  3. DIY communication between arduino and unity. 


  1. Import and use Ardity. Live-saving tool! 
  2. Successfully read arduino data with serialWrite(), digitalRead(), digitalWrite(), and Serial.flush(); 
  3. Fruits fall, disappear and got eaten, seeds number got counted, scene switches successfully triggered;
  4. We bought the balance board and actually used it to control the game!!!

Lesson learned: 

  1. Never expect the hardware to work perfectly; 
  2. Record the demo immediately once it’s working cause it might never work again... 

Future development: 

  1. Try a sound volume sensor and air pressure sensor with other levels. (the harder you blow it, the higher the balloon flies; the higher the air pressure, the larger the balloon becomes);
  2. Add shadows to the fruits’ shader to better indicate the falling;
  3. Make a final big boss stage where you have to use all the sensors together to control a multi-tasking game!🤪(This require more studies into solving the conflict between different sensors on one same arduino)
  4. Design an instruction stage for the users to get used to the sensors before getting too hard.
  5. Arrange more user testing and recording their reactions in order to make the game more fun and less frustrating.

Get Go Tangible!

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